The Best Fishing Jokes on the Internet ! |
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Showing 61-69 of 69 fishing jokes ranked by worst jokes
61. | Q. Why are fish so smart? | Jokes Rating: |    
| Q. Why are fish so smart
A. Because they swim in schools! |
| Anonymous | 29th Jan 2003 | JokesID: 35 |  |
62. | Heard the one about the three blondes that went .. | Jokes Rating: |    
| Heard the one about the three blondes that went ice fishing and didn't catch anything?
By the time they cut a hole big enough for the boat to fit in it was time to go home. |
| Anonymous | 29th Jan 2003 | JokesID: 36 |  |
63. | Q. Where does a fish keep his money? | Jokes Rating: |    
| Q. Where does a fish keep his money
A. In the River Bank! |
| Anonymous | 29th Jan 2003 | JokesID: 37 |  |
64. | An Irish priest loved to fly fish..... | Jokes Rating: |    
| An Irish priest loved to fly fish, it was an obsession of his. So far this year the weather had been so bad that he hadn't had a chance to get his beloved wadders on and his favourite flies out of their box
Strangly though, every Sunday the weather had been good, but of course Sunday is the day he has to go to work.
The weather forcast was good again for the coming Sunday so he called a fellow priest claiming to have lost his voice and be in bed with the flu. He asked him to take over his sermon.
The fly fishing priest drove fifty miles to a river near the coast so that no one would recognise him. An angel up in Heaven was keeping watch and saw what the priest was doing. He told God who agreed that he would do something about it.
With the first cast of his line a huge fish mouth gulped down the fly. For over an hour the priest ran up and down the river bank fighting the fish. At the end when he finally landed the monster size fish it turned out to be a world record Salmon.
Confused the angel asked God, "Why did you let him catch that huge fish? I thought you were going to teach him a lesson."
God replied "I did. Who do you think he's going to tell?" |
| Anonymous | 29th Jan 2003 | JokesID: 40 |  |
65. | I was glad when one fish got away... | Jokes Rating: |    
| I was glad when one fish got away.
There just wasn't room in the boat for both of us! |
| Anonymous | 29th Jan 2003 | JokesID: 52 |  |
66. | Liar, liar | Jokes Rating: |    
| A young man and an old man were fishing on a pier.The young man started telling the old one that the night before he caught a trout that was over 3 1/2 foot long.
The old man replied "Oh yea, well I was here 2 nights ago and I hooked something huge. After a 30 minute fight I finaly got it up and it was an old lantern and the thing was still lit."
The young man said "Your lying. I can't believe that."
Then the old man said "I'll tell you what, you knock a couple of foot off your trout and I'll blow out my lantern." |
| Shark | 7th Nov 2003 | JokesID: 68 |  |
67. | A blonde decides to go fishing.... | Jokes Rating: |    
| A blonde decides to go fishing.
She stopped fishing when she caught a huge one. She was already too tired to carry it. |
| Anymous | 12th Feb 2004 | JokesID: 84 |  |
68. | Cart Fishing | Jokes Rating: |    
| Two fishermen were talking about the good old days....
One says, "when I was a kid there were so many fish here I could always catch a few."
The other says, "when I was a kid here we used a horse and cart and got enough fish to sell at the market."
"How did you do that then?"
"Well, we had this good old horse and we used to back the cart down into the water and put treacle on his tail. The flies got stuck in the treacle and when the fish jumped out of the water for the flies that good old horse just kicked them into the cart. We had a load of fish in no time!" |
| Anonymous | 20th Nov 2003 | JokesID: 77 |  |
69. | A guy rings his boss and says "I can | Jokes Rating: |   
| A guy rings his boss and says "I can't come to work today
The boss asks why and the guy says "it's my eyes."
"What's wrong with your eyes?" asks the boss.
"I just can't see myself coming to work, so I'm going fishing instead..." |
| Anonymous | 29th Jan 2003 | JokesID: 48 |  |
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